Services Provided
Hydraulic Modelling
Hydraulic modelling makes up a large extent of our work. Our team has extensive experience in the use of hydraulic modelling software specifically DHI MIKE suite of products (MIKE 11, MIKE Hydro, MIKE21, MIKE21Fm, MIKE Flood) as well as HECRAS and TUFLOW. We have experience in building detailed, calibrated hydraulic models of all sizes from small drainage networks, to large, catchment wide rain on grid 2D models.
​The Local Government sector within NZ are our primary client, however, have also carried out smaller scale jobs for private clients.
We also have significant experience working with councils and community groups to help them have an in-depth understanding of the flood hazard and to help them work through a floodplain management process to enable them to minimise and mitigate flood risk.

Drone Surveying
Land River Sea Consulting entered the world of drone surveying in early 2015, long before many of the larger firms in Aotearoa / New Zealand got into these surveying techniques. As a result of our extensive experience in this area we have developed a very efficient workflow for carrying out these surveys and can provide detailed, high resolution surveys of all terrain types at a competitive price. Matthew is a 102 certified pilot and ensures all surveys are carried out within the legal and health and safety requirements of Aotearoa / New Zealand.
As end users of the data that we collect, we understand the importance of accurate and reliable data, we therefore always ensure we place significant ground control as well as provide independent validation of the accuracy of our results.
Due to our expertise in modelling waterways, we have seen the gap in the availability of high resolution bathymetric data. We have therefore invested significantly in a detailed R&D programme and developed our own proprietary techniques for capturing bathymetric data with our drones. See below for more info on our technique called 'Optical Bathymetry'.

Sediment Transport / Geomorphic Change Detection
One of the often-overlooked features of natural river systems is the fact that they are dynamic systems and are often in a state of flux.
Over the years we have developed significant expertise around analysing how rivers systems are changing over time. We endeavour to use this knowledge and expertise to help our clients understand the sediment transport based on the data available.
We have experience in using a traditional cross-sectional analysis approach to estimate mean bed level and volumetric changes over time. In addition to this we have significant expertise in using more advanced 2-dimensional approaches utilising LiDAR and drone data.
Our advanced understanding of these types of data allows us to use a probabilistic approach to change analysis, considering the underlying noise and uncertainty in these datasets.

Optical Bathymetry Techniques
Below water (bathymetric) survey data is a critical component of any hydraulic model as well as for studying geomorphic change in a river system. However due to the difficulties involved in collecting this data at high resolution, many practitioners rely on widely spaced cross section surveys to represent the below water surface.
With rapid advances taking place in UAV technology as well as significant advances in the field of computer science relating ‘machine learning’, we have been actively developing techniques to enable the rapid and cost effective capture of bathymetric data. The final output of our technique is an accurate, seamless DEM of the above and below water bed elevation.
Our techniques can be applied to drone data, standard aerial imagery from planes as well as satellite imagery.
In addition to offering this as a service, we are currently developing a software product to allow anybody to conduct these analysis. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.

Peer Review / Expert Evidence
Due to our recognised level of expertise in our field, we are frequently called upon to undertake peer reviews of other engineers work. We carry out high level conceptual reviews or projects as well as detailed technical reviews of model builds.
We also have experience in providing expert evidence in the New Zealand Environment Court as well as for Resource Management hearings.

In addition to the services mentioned above, we pride ourselves in being 'problem solvers'. Please free to contact us at anytime and see how me may assist you.